Good for the earth. Good For You.

Ancient Maize for Positive Climate Action®

  • Optimal food production: combining healthy soils, healthy crops, and healthy animals.
  • Breeding that respects the integrity of our domesticated species but fully utilizes their natural gifts.
  • New varieties and breeds with high productivity that meet the stresses and nutritional needs of our world.

Solving the problem humans started:

Breeding the animals and plants we rely on goes beyond simple farming; it’s a complex relationship rooted in deep history. These species, which include a wide variety of corn and livestock like cows and turkeys, aren’t just agricultural products. They’re dynamic beings with a wild past, shaped by forgotten cultures for their needs and beloved across generations.

Modern scientific breeding, which started a couple of centuries ago, has aimed to boost production and yields significantly, helping to support growing human populations and stave off famine. However, this approach often sacrifices quality for quantity. For example, today’s Holstein cows produce vast quantities of milk but live only about four years due to health problems. Similarly, commercial turkeys have been bred to have such large breasts that they can no longer mate naturally and suffer from additional health issues

By cultivating nutritionally enhanced corn, we lessen our environmental footprint. Promoting healthy farming systems enriches the soil with quality organic matter, leading to robust, disease-resistant soils. This improvement means that animals fed with this superior corn will benefit from a healthier diet, enhancing their well-being and nutritional content.

Maize Subscription

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Buyer’s Club

Luctus lectus non quisque turpis bibendum posuere. Morbi tortor nibh, fringilla sed pretium sit amet.

Education & Consulting

Nisl massa, ultrices vitae ornare sit amet, ultricies eget orci. Sed vitae nulla et justo pellentesque congue nec eu risus.

Buyers Club

You have the freedom to use these OSSI- Pledged seeds in any way you choose.

Our projects

  • Developing corn with enhanced protein quality that provides superior nutrition to the people and animals that eat it.
  • Developing corn varieties that are extremely efficient at obtaining nitrogen and other nutrients from the soil, and possibly even fix some nitrogen from the air with the help of endophytic bacteria. Such varieties need less or no fertilizer.
  • Breeding corn varieties that avoid contamination from transgenic corn because they utilize natural ‘gametophytic incompatibility’ genes.
  • Finding and increasing wheat varieties that do not cause a gluten intolerance response in sensitive people.

7194 Madaus St, Lake Geneva, WI 53147

The Mandaamin Institute, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that has been breeding corn in Wisconsin since 2011. Walter Goldstein founded the organization after working 25 years as Research Director at Michael Fields Agricultural Institute.

Contact Info

(555) 123-1234


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